
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Beginning of a Grand Adventure

We made it! It's crazy to say, but yes, we are now living in Beijing, China. As part of Ryan's IMBA program he will be studying Chinese here for a year. I think over the last two weeks I have literally felt every emotion known to man...Excitement, Anticipation, Fear, Anger, Sadness, Joy, Apprehension, Anticipation, Friendship, Kindness, Envy, Frustration, Appreciation, Love, Hope and the list goes on. I feel like the positive emotions have outweighed the bad and I try not to focus on bad emotions that come, but they sure do sneak in.
Out to lunch with some friends. Such a big boy!
So it's probably my "arrogant" American mindset that led me to believe there would be more people here that spoke English, but I have honestly been surprised at how few do. It makes the easiest things very difficult, like ordering at KFC. Luckily there are quite a few signs that also have English, so at least when I'm at the super market I can find my way to the bathroom. SPEAKING OF WHICH, the public bathrooms here are NOT like the bathrooms back at home (heck, the bathroom in my house is not like the one back home). No lies, the public bathrooms here are honestly a hole in the floor. A squatty potty. (At some point I will try to post a picture of it). Now it's not like this dirt floor with a hole dug out, some of them are pretty nice holes, but holes in the floor nonetheless. Imagine your normal toilet, now make it flat... now you have a squatty potty. You also have to bring your own toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Oh, and let me explain the bathroom in our house. We have a normal toilet but imagine your shower and your toilet being together. You stand in one corner of the 6x6 bathroom to shower and your potty in the opposite corner, no shower curtain or anything in between. It's pretty fancy :) There's nothing like having to wear flip flops and holding your pants up from the floor to go to the bathroom after someone has just showered.
Random ally way on the way to Ryan's school.
Can you say  advertisements! 
We thought this was a pretty cool tree :)

The traffic here is insane! I swear there are NO traffic rules
and everyone just does whatever they want. That includes
people crossing the street. It's insane! 

Check out those brown eyes!
This little face just exudes sweetness!
I don't have a lot of pictures to share because I have honestly spent the last two weeks keeping my head above water, learning where the grocery store is and HOW to get there, getting our apartment to a place where it's comfortable and feels like home, learning a few Chinese words to help me get by, etc. I also feel like I have NO idea how to cook here. I really don't think it's all that different, but I think my mind just has this block. The grocery store is completely overwhelming to me still because I can't read anything. That might be a bit of a stretch, because some labels also have some English, but I'm still not familiar with what kind of ingredients this country has and doesn't have. For instance, they don't have a lot of spices I'm use to cooking with and their cheese is really expensive and not awesome quality (of course it's pretty expensive in the states too) but I did find out they have sour cream and VERY expensive cream cheese. It also doesn't help that all my frequently made recipes are sitting in my recipe box in SC. Anyway, if you have any awesome wok recipes or recipes with basic ingredients, send them my way :)
Surprise B-day party for a friend

I have met some wonderful people here! We do have 4 branches is Beijing and we have to travel for about 45 minutes on the subway to get to where our branch meets. I love our branch so much already. They are so supportive and kind, truly a branch family. There are a few families in our branch around our age that have befriended us and a few of them live pretty close to us, so that's nice. I already feel like I have known them forever! The church is amazing that way! It's pretty phenomenal that you can go half way across the world and meet a whole group of people that already love you! We also met a family the other day as we were getting off the subway. They were struggling to get off because they had a bunch a luggage and a few sleeping children. We offered to help them get their things to their apartment and they have become some pretty good friends. We have met them for lunch and dinner a few times. They are from Poland and they have two children, one age 2 and one age 2 months. I love making friends and meeting new people. I am so thankful for the wonderful people my loving Heavenly Father has placed in my path.
Every day here is a new adventure. A few stories...

This lady came up to take a picture
of Dylan while we were in line getting
some dinner one night. 
... Dylan gets a LOT of attention. A LOT may be an understatement. When we are walking down the street just about EVERYONE looks at him and smiles. Lots of people want to touch his chubby cheeks. Today on the subway a lady just wouldn't take her hand out of her face. She was like waving to him, but her hand was literally and inch away from her face. LOL No respect for personal boundaries. Twice so far when we have been eating out, the people running the restaurant have asked to hold him. They also like to take pictures of him. lol

There are always little things you see that make me laugh. Like on this moving sidewalk that goes up into a grocery store there is this one Chinese caution sign on the wall and the English translation under it reads, "Carefully Pinch" meaning to tell you to be careful because you could get pinched, also in the supermarket there was a fork packaged up, but the packaging in English said dinner spoon.  We saw a restaurant that had the Chinese name and then a translated English name and it was called, A Restaurant. lol :)  Little things like that make me smile every day.

This is currently outside on the the grocery stores.
Christmas in March anyone!?
The other day I took my first bus outing with Dylan into unknown territory. It went alright. I did get on the bus going the wrong way for about 7 stops (and the whole time my gut was telling me I was going the wrong way but I listened to 3 Chinese people that all told me it was right.... darn that language barrier!) I got turned the right way and an hour and a half later made it to my final destination. I was meeting some friends from the branch to go to a store called the Metro. It's kind of like a Costco. It's a membership store, but they allow foreigners to come without a membership, so that's pretty cool. It was fun to look around and see what kinds of things they had (stores around here are kind of hit and miss. Sometimes they have things and sometimes they don't and they all seem to carry an assortment of different stuff. So it's not like in the states where you can just stop at any Wal-Mart and you can pretty much guarantee they will have what you want.) My favorite find of the day were my most favorite cookies in the whole world. They are some cookies that are popular in Australia and I have only seen them in the states once... they are called Tim Tams. Anyway, that was a fun, albeit slightly expensive find. 

Also, in the middle of all my bus craziness and counting the stops to make sure I got off at the right stop I got on one bus and right away this older Chinese lady grabs Dylan away from me so she can hold him and no kidding, for like 5 stops continues to scold me about how cold he must be... he needs a scarf.... he needs a longer coat... he needs longer pants... he needs longer socks.... he needs a hood that stays on his head better... he needs gloves. She just went on and on (in Chinese of course). That is actually a very common thing among the older Chinese that I was warned about. They always tell us how cold our babies must be because we don't wrap them up like Eskimos. I heard it has something to do with them thinking that if he's cold he's going to lose his Chi or something. So I wasn't surprised  but it was a bit much especially because I was trying to focus the bus stops so I could get to the right place :) I handled it all okay until she pulled a tissue from her pocket (it looked a little used to me) to wipe his face. That was a bit much for me!!!! Then she pulled out this whole wade of toilet paper (unused) from her pocket and put it around his face like a scarf. LOL So many new adventures! :) 
As part of Ryan's classes he has to go on an outing every week. This week we were able to go with him to see a Kung Fu show. It freaked Dylan out, so we took turns with him out in the hall. Even though we each only saw half of it, it was a fun show
Kung Fu show. Just as soon as the drums started Dylan wanted NOTHING to do with it 

The Pearl Market
The Pearl Market
Our loot from the Pearl Market

Overall we are enjoying ourselves and adjusting well. We think of all of you often and miss you lots! Please keep us up to date with how y'all are doin'
           Love, Julia
We keep this little one busy! He is always
 happy to hit the sack when it's time!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - I laughed reading parts and was so grateful I haven't ever embarked on any foreign adventures with the same time. Good luck. Do you know Michelle Logan? she might be one for recipes from basic ingredients (and she likes to shop at places like Indian groceries and Mexican groceries around here, so she might have some Chinese-ingredient-based recipes up her sleeves.
