
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Our Own Little Bit of Heaven

This last Sunday (Nov. 4, 2012) we were so fortunate to have an apostle of the Lord come to our sacrament meeting. Elder Bednar was in town on some business and decided to come to the sacrament meetings in our ward building. It wasn't a stake meeting or anything. He went to the 9:00am meeting and to our 11:00am meeting (which was combined with the 1:00pm singles ward.) It was amazing to be with him in such a close and personal meeting. The following are some notes Ryan I put together from the things we remembered from his talk. (I also used a few things from a friend's blog about what she remembered.) I warn you, it's LONG!

Elder Bednar started off by addressing the non members that were in attendance. He said it may sometimes seems we are pushy when wanting to share the gospel, but it's really the highest compliment we can give you.

He then went on to tell a story about his sons riding their hot wheels tricycles. They loved to go fast and do different tricks like turning really sharp so they fishtail. One time their younger son was involved in a sharp turn gone wrong and crashed into a parked car. Elder Bednar and his wife were about to run out until they saw he was not seriously hurt, so they decided to watch and see what their older son would do. The two boys came into the house, pulled a chair over to the sink and big brother started cleaning up the scrapes on little brothers arm and face. First soap was applied and there was great "weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth". Then big brother applied 3/4 the tube of neosporin and band-aids. After little brother was all fixed up, he then took the band-aids and neosporin out and began fixing up his friends. He had been healed and comforted and he wanted to share that with others.
So it is with us when we want to share the gospel with you. We have been broken and bruised, but have found healing and comfort and we want to share it with you. We might seem pushy, but it is the HIGHEST COMPLIMENT we can give you.

Next Elder Bednar began to talk about a first presidency letter that had just been read to the congregation by the bishop about family history. He thinks sometimes we take these letters lightly just waiting to get through them to move onto the sacrament, but we should realize these first presidency letters are the MIND, the WILL and the VOICE of the LORD. They are carefully and prayerfully considered and we need to take them to heart.

He then went on to discuss in greater detail the things the letter addressed. We need to find the names of our own ancestors and take them to the temple. It's not enough to just do family history or to just do temple work. We need to do FAMILY TEMPLE WORK. He discussed Joseph Smith History v.36-39
36 After telling me these things, he commenced quoting the prophecies of the Old Testament. He first quoted part of the third chapter of aMalachi; and he quoted also the fourth or last chapterof the same prophecy, though with a little variation from the way it reads in our Bibles. Instead of quoting the first verse as it reads in our books, he quoted it thus:
37 For behold, the aday cometh that shall bburn as an oven, and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly shall burn ascstubble; for they that come shall burn them, saith the Lord of Hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
38 And again, he quoted the fifth verse thus: Behold, I will reveal unto you the aPriesthood, by the hand of bElijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of thecLord.
39 He also quoted the next verse differently: And he shall plant in the hearts of the achildren the bpromises made to the fathers, and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers. If it were not so, the whole earth would be utterly wasted at his coming.

In verse 39 he focused on "the promises made to THE fathers and the hearts of the children turned to THEIR fathers". It's not just THE dead we should be concerned for, but it is OUR dead we should find and take to the temple. He said "we have a sacred responsibility to do the work for OUR dead. We need a renewed dedication to family temple work."

Speaking to our ward specifically he said "Using names provided by the temple would be the LAST thing you would do." It's good to do work for the dead, but it's better to do work for OUR dead. If we are at a place in our family history where it's difficult to move past, helping others find their dead is also what we should be doing. He spoke about "not hoarding" names and there are some people that have thousands of names, but they are holding onto them waiting to do the work themselves. Stop hoarding names, you cannot possibly do them all.

He said that as we find OUR dead and do the work for them in the temples our temple experience will be GREATLY ENRICHED.

He read D&C 124:31-33 and focused on baptisms for the dead and how the people use to do them in the river. The Lord told them to build a temple and gave them a certain period of time to construct it and after that period of time the ordinance would no longer be accepted in the river.

Elder Bednar said, "If I had it my way, which I don't, but if I did, I would stand up in General Conference and say to all of the Family history workers 19 and older, 'Thank you for your service, you are released' and then I would give all those callings to those between 12-18 years old." This group loves to feel the spirit of Elijah. In general conference a year ago he talked about getting the youth more involved in family history work and since then he has had a wonderful response from the youth. He told a story about a teenage that wrote to him and said how he use to play a lot of video games and he would fight with his mom about staying up to play. He started doing family history work and loves it... and he doesn't fight with his mom anymore about staying up to do the work.

He also talked about this past General Conference.  He said he has never been to a  General Conference where so much was introduced to 'hasten the work'. In regards to the new missionary ages, he said he was asked as to why it was changed at this time. He simply said, "When the Lord wants to hasten the work, He will hasten His work."

He said on average they received about 800 missionary applications a week.
The week after General Conference, they received 4500 applications.
The week after that, 4700.
The week after that 3000.
The applications were split 50/50 of men and women.

He said, that we are going to have a boom in missionaries in our areas. BUT, he warns that it will 'all be for naught' if we as members do not find those to teach. It is NOT the responsibility of the missionaries to find people to teach, that is the responsibility of the members. He said, "If we do what we've always done, we'll get what we've always gotten"

He also talked about Mosiah 24:13-15 and said to substitute the word affliction with your own struggle.
13 And it acame to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.
14 And I will also ease the aburdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand asbwitnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their cafflictions.
15 And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord didastrengthen them that they could bear up their bburdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with cpatience to all the will of the Lord.

He doesn't always get rid of our burdens but he can make them feel lighter.

In our efforts to find those for the missionaries to teach, we must share our testimony of the atoning sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ. To help us increase in our understanding of the Atonement, Elder Bednar then gave us a Book of Mormon challenge to get a cheap copy of the Book of Mormon and while reading it, highlight all mentions of the Lord strengthening people. "Strengthened in" or "strengthened by" the Lord. After reading the whole book go back and ponder on the things you marked and write a one page summary about the things you learned.

The promise for doing this challenge is that "You will learn things about the atonement that no person could teach you."

Elder Bednar also recounted a time when he was visiting with the late prophet, President Gordon B Hinckley. He said, "how do you do it all?" to which President Hinckley replied, "in the next 17 days I have 22 major speaking assignments. I have no one to write my speeches. I can't do it all."
Then he leans over to Elder Bednar and pats his hand saying, "David, in the strength of the Lord you can do anything. This is the greatest season in the history of the restored church."

We all get overwhelmed...but we too can do anything with the strength of the Lord.

In conclusion, he left us with an apostolic blessing, that we may have "eyes to see, ears to hear, and the grace of the Lord rest upon you".

It was an amazing meeting! The spirit was so strong! What a blessing it was to be in attendance and have my own testimony strengthened. I know this is the only completely true church upon the earth today. I know the Lord has called apostles and prophets to act in his name. I believe in modern day revelation. I know my Heavenly Father loves me and is concerned about my day to day life. I am so grateful to be a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I love it and I live it!

Right after the meeting I rushed out to change Dylan's diaper before heading off to Primary (I was released as the 1st counselor and called at the primary chorister.) As I was headed back into the chapel to hand Dylan off to Ryan Elder Bednar was on his way out and Dylan got to shake his hand! Elder Bednar said to him, "He looks like a pretty chill baby" and that he is! :) 

In other family news... Dylan is still CRAZY ADORABLE! I just love to watch him and all the amazing things he is learning to do! He is becoming such a big boy. Today we introduced rice cereal on a spoon and he took to it so quickly. (Tried to upload the video we took, but it won't let me) 

Here's a cute one though of Dylan helping me with the laundry today.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall days fall away so quickly

Life continues to roll along here in the slow south and I can't even tell you how much I am LOVING this weather!!!! I forget that it's so cold back in Utah when I'm still rocking shorts during the day and have my windows open at night! I LOVE fall! I love the changing leaves (although I haven't seen much of them here. Sure do miss those tree covered mountains!), I love the crisp mornings and I love the perfect days.

Dylan continues to learn and grow and grow and learn. His 4 month appt stats: Height- 25 1/4" (90%), Weight- 14lbs 5oz (50%), Head Circ-16 1/2" (50%-75%). He is so sweet and reminds me to be happy even if we have something to be sad about. He took his shots like a champ and was smiling by the time he got into his carseat.
Happy boy BEFORE his shots (getting so good at sitting up)

This face makes me laugh! He likes to give this funny Elvis lip :)

Happy boy AFTER his shots, ready to go home

Look at that smile!
He is 4 and 1/2 months old now and is SO CLOSE to being able to roll over. It won't be long now before he's rolling all over the place. He is also starting to teeth. I know this because my perfectly happy baby is not always perfectly happy anymore, he likes to chew on just about anything he can get into his mouth, he drools like I've never before seen and he has decided to more or less give up naps, BUT (knock on wood) he is still sleeping through the night!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I can take a little fight with the naps during the day for a full night sleep. I do count myself blessed! He is still a wonderful little boy, full of smiles, it just makes me so sad when out of the blue he just cries out. Poor little guy. Of course I don't have any other babies to compare him to but as far as I'm concerned he's the best little baby ever!
I promise he smiles a lot... just not for the camera :)

Likes to chew those fingers

Ryan continues to love (love may be a strong expression, but he does really like it) school and continues to work hard and do extremely well! He is playing on an intramural soccer team and is having a good time. They have won both games so far and have 3 left. If they win the whole tournament they get.....drum roll please..... a SHIRT! :) Big stuff, right?! ;) I LOVE that he's playing, but I don't love that we don't get to go watch and support him. The first game we didn't go because we found out we were going to have to pay $5 for Dylan and I to get in and Ryan wasn't going to be able to play the whole game so we didn't pay the money. The next game we were all ready to pay but Dylan and I get there and guess what... Dylan isn't allowed to come in! WHAT!? I was a little less than thrilled that my 4 month old who would be sitting on my lap the whole time wasn't allowed into the building. ANYWAY... Ryan keeps busy. The other day he had an interview to become an ambassador for the business program and he felt really good about how it went, so I guess we'll see.

Although we are figuring everything out with teething and stuff I still love hanging out with my little man all day. In fact, the other day for the first time ever I made homemade bread! It was SO delicious (maybe a little too delish, that's a whole lot of carbs).
My sweet friend Naomi that taught me the art of bread making

Punching the dough was probably the best part :)

Knead that dough!

Also... I have a new calling. You might ask, didn't you just get a new calling?  And the answer would be yes, but I guess I wasn't measuring up. No, I'm just teasing ;) I was in the Primary Presidency just long enough to help with the Primary program and teach a few sharing times, but last weekend they called a new presidency and I was called to be Primary chorister. I am excited about the new calling. I think it will be a lot of fun and I'm glad I still get to be in the primary! :)

We are so grateful for all the friend and people who have made South Carolina feel like home. We have some friends, the Halls, who are always inviting us to spend family time at their Lake House in Camden. We have been there a few different times and that's where we spent conference weekend. **Side note, wasn't conference AMAZING!!! Having the little guy didn't allow me to watch all the talks intently as I would've liked, but I'm grateful I will get to read through them. And how about the new ages for missionaries... 18 (instead of 19 for boys) and 19 (instead of 21 for girls). I am so grateful for modern day revelation. The heavens are not sealed. The Lord speaks to us today. "The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done"** We are so grateful for their kindness and for treating us like family. We always have such a wonderful time with them!
Dylan hanging out with his not so happy buddy
We are SO excited for this week because Ryan's parents and youngest sister, the Bear, are coming to visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are SOOO excited to share our southern life with them and so glad Dylan gets to play with them. He's so much bigger than last time they saw him. We are also going to go to the State Fair which will be SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!! Pictures to come :)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Our blogging beginning

I know I have been promising this for way to long with no results so here I am...or here we are. I have no idea about the "blogging" world so *WARNING* you get what you get :) I guess the whole reason you are reading this is because you care enough about us to be interested in what's going on with our family, and for that I thank you for your love and concern. Let me actually start there. We are so grateful for the love and support we feel from all of you! We are so grateful to have such wonderful relationships that make it hard to be so far away from all of you. WE LOVE YOU!!!

These are some pictures we took when Dylan was 6 days old
All because two people fell in LOVE

One of my VERY FAVORITE shots!

Our 1st Family picture!

Snuggle Buddy

Can't get enough of those kisses!

  Okay, so let me give you an update on us. At the beginning of the summer we moved to Columbia, South  Carolina so Ryan could pursue a Master's Degree in International Business at the Moore school of Business. The plan from here on out is that we will be here till mid-December until the current semester ends. At that time we will be headed back to Utah to be with family and friends through January. In Feb we will continue on and move to CHINA (who does that?!) and we'll be there for 18 months (1 year language study in Beijing and 6 month internship). After that we will come back to SC for another year to finish the masters program and then GET A JOB and go wherever that takes us. On that note, Ryan is doing EXCELLENT in his school work! He is working SO HARD and reaping the benefits. He is leading his class and I couldn't be more proud of him. We miss him at home, but support him in all of his hard work! Ryan is the BEST husband and father! He loves being a daddy and Dylan sure does love his daddy time! I LOVE watching them play together! Ryan is so creative and fun :) Being a stay at home mom is the BEST! I love every moment I get to spend with the little guy and know this time is going to pass too fast. I can't believe he's almost 4 months old. I don't realize how quickly he's growing until I look back on pictures or until he does something new that he's never done before and then I realize, 'Oh my goodness, I'm watching him every day but he grows when I'm not looking. How does this happen?!'
Made it to South Carolina

Dylan is the sweetest, happiest, most adorable little boy in the WHOLE world! He has such an even temper and loves to be happy. He is definitely a morning person and is all smiles every time I go to get him out of his crib. For about a month now we have been on a 3-hour routine that really seems to be working for us. Our day starts at 7am, he feeds at 7, 10, 1, 4, 7 with naps 1 1/2 hrs after feeding and goes to bed between 7:30-8:00pm with a dream feed between 10pm-11pm where we don't wake him up at all, but feed him while he's sleeping in his crib. As it was he has most always been a great sleeper, usually waking up only once in the night. Over the last week he has slept more or less till 6am and the last two or three nights has slept all the way till 7:00am. I'll tell you what, sleep is a BEAUTIFUL thing! :)
One Month old
We went out jogging one morning and about 15 mins from home is DOWN POURED. 
Two months old! Such a BIG boy!

Those neck muscles are getting so strong! 2 1/2 months  old

LOVE my new hat from Peru!

3 months old
This is what happens when dad gets home early

Du-rag Dylan

Smurf Dylan

Nun Dylan

Obi-wan Dylan

English Judge Dylan
 The hardest thing about being here in SC is being a one car family and having everything so far way. Stores, School, Church, Friends, Family. In Logan there were actually sidewalks and if you wanted to you could pretty much walk anywhere you wanted to. That's not the way it is here. There are hardly ANY sidewalks. If I have anything planned for the day we take Ryan to school in the morning, take care of all we need to do that day and pick him up for school at the end of the day. It works out okay, but I do start feeling a little stir crazy sometimes. :)

We LOVE our ward family here. People have really taken us in a made us a part of things. We have made many great friendships and have both received callings. I don't know what the 'official' title is for Ryan's calling but he coordinates the lessons for Priesthood and he's always on call to teach if things fall through with whoever was suppose to be teaching. He also has 4 families for home teaching. It's a great calling for him and he does a wonderful job magnifying it. A few weeks ago I was called to be the first counselor in the Primary Presidency (are you serious, we are only going to be here 'till Dec :) but alas, this is where the Lord needs me to be serving and I am happy to answer the call! So far I have loved it! We had our primary program last Sunday and the kids did great! The children in the ward are just the sweetest ever and I LOVE being with them!

I guess that pretty much sums things up for us at this current time and it's probably about time to wrap up this post (for any of you still reading through, I thank you for your patience :). We love you all SO much!!!