
Monday, September 24, 2012

Our blogging beginning

I know I have been promising this for way to long with no results so here I am...or here we are. I have no idea about the "blogging" world so *WARNING* you get what you get :) I guess the whole reason you are reading this is because you care enough about us to be interested in what's going on with our family, and for that I thank you for your love and concern. Let me actually start there. We are so grateful for the love and support we feel from all of you! We are so grateful to have such wonderful relationships that make it hard to be so far away from all of you. WE LOVE YOU!!!

These are some pictures we took when Dylan was 6 days old
All because two people fell in LOVE

One of my VERY FAVORITE shots!

Our 1st Family picture!

Snuggle Buddy

Can't get enough of those kisses!

  Okay, so let me give you an update on us. At the beginning of the summer we moved to Columbia, South  Carolina so Ryan could pursue a Master's Degree in International Business at the Moore school of Business. The plan from here on out is that we will be here till mid-December until the current semester ends. At that time we will be headed back to Utah to be with family and friends through January. In Feb we will continue on and move to CHINA (who does that?!) and we'll be there for 18 months (1 year language study in Beijing and 6 month internship). After that we will come back to SC for another year to finish the masters program and then GET A JOB and go wherever that takes us. On that note, Ryan is doing EXCELLENT in his school work! He is working SO HARD and reaping the benefits. He is leading his class and I couldn't be more proud of him. We miss him at home, but support him in all of his hard work! Ryan is the BEST husband and father! He loves being a daddy and Dylan sure does love his daddy time! I LOVE watching them play together! Ryan is so creative and fun :) Being a stay at home mom is the BEST! I love every moment I get to spend with the little guy and know this time is going to pass too fast. I can't believe he's almost 4 months old. I don't realize how quickly he's growing until I look back on pictures or until he does something new that he's never done before and then I realize, 'Oh my goodness, I'm watching him every day but he grows when I'm not looking. How does this happen?!'
Made it to South Carolina

Dylan is the sweetest, happiest, most adorable little boy in the WHOLE world! He has such an even temper and loves to be happy. He is definitely a morning person and is all smiles every time I go to get him out of his crib. For about a month now we have been on a 3-hour routine that really seems to be working for us. Our day starts at 7am, he feeds at 7, 10, 1, 4, 7 with naps 1 1/2 hrs after feeding and goes to bed between 7:30-8:00pm with a dream feed between 10pm-11pm where we don't wake him up at all, but feed him while he's sleeping in his crib. As it was he has most always been a great sleeper, usually waking up only once in the night. Over the last week he has slept more or less till 6am and the last two or three nights has slept all the way till 7:00am. I'll tell you what, sleep is a BEAUTIFUL thing! :)
One Month old
We went out jogging one morning and about 15 mins from home is DOWN POURED. 
Two months old! Such a BIG boy!

Those neck muscles are getting so strong! 2 1/2 months  old

LOVE my new hat from Peru!

3 months old
This is what happens when dad gets home early

Du-rag Dylan

Smurf Dylan

Nun Dylan

Obi-wan Dylan

English Judge Dylan
 The hardest thing about being here in SC is being a one car family and having everything so far way. Stores, School, Church, Friends, Family. In Logan there were actually sidewalks and if you wanted to you could pretty much walk anywhere you wanted to. That's not the way it is here. There are hardly ANY sidewalks. If I have anything planned for the day we take Ryan to school in the morning, take care of all we need to do that day and pick him up for school at the end of the day. It works out okay, but I do start feeling a little stir crazy sometimes. :)

We LOVE our ward family here. People have really taken us in a made us a part of things. We have made many great friendships and have both received callings. I don't know what the 'official' title is for Ryan's calling but he coordinates the lessons for Priesthood and he's always on call to teach if things fall through with whoever was suppose to be teaching. He also has 4 families for home teaching. It's a great calling for him and he does a wonderful job magnifying it. A few weeks ago I was called to be the first counselor in the Primary Presidency (are you serious, we are only going to be here 'till Dec :) but alas, this is where the Lord needs me to be serving and I am happy to answer the call! So far I have loved it! We had our primary program last Sunday and the kids did great! The children in the ward are just the sweetest ever and I LOVE being with them!

I guess that pretty much sums things up for us at this current time and it's probably about time to wrap up this post (for any of you still reading through, I thank you for your patience :). We love you all SO much!!!