
Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall days fall away so quickly

Life continues to roll along here in the slow south and I can't even tell you how much I am LOVING this weather!!!! I forget that it's so cold back in Utah when I'm still rocking shorts during the day and have my windows open at night! I LOVE fall! I love the changing leaves (although I haven't seen much of them here. Sure do miss those tree covered mountains!), I love the crisp mornings and I love the perfect days.

Dylan continues to learn and grow and grow and learn. His 4 month appt stats: Height- 25 1/4" (90%), Weight- 14lbs 5oz (50%), Head Circ-16 1/2" (50%-75%). He is so sweet and reminds me to be happy even if we have something to be sad about. He took his shots like a champ and was smiling by the time he got into his carseat.
Happy boy BEFORE his shots (getting so good at sitting up)

This face makes me laugh! He likes to give this funny Elvis lip :)

Happy boy AFTER his shots, ready to go home

Look at that smile!
He is 4 and 1/2 months old now and is SO CLOSE to being able to roll over. It won't be long now before he's rolling all over the place. He is also starting to teeth. I know this because my perfectly happy baby is not always perfectly happy anymore, he likes to chew on just about anything he can get into his mouth, he drools like I've never before seen and he has decided to more or less give up naps, BUT (knock on wood) he is still sleeping through the night!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I can take a little fight with the naps during the day for a full night sleep. I do count myself blessed! He is still a wonderful little boy, full of smiles, it just makes me so sad when out of the blue he just cries out. Poor little guy. Of course I don't have any other babies to compare him to but as far as I'm concerned he's the best little baby ever!
I promise he smiles a lot... just not for the camera :)

Likes to chew those fingers

Ryan continues to love (love may be a strong expression, but he does really like it) school and continues to work hard and do extremely well! He is playing on an intramural soccer team and is having a good time. They have won both games so far and have 3 left. If they win the whole tournament they get.....drum roll please..... a SHIRT! :) Big stuff, right?! ;) I LOVE that he's playing, but I don't love that we don't get to go watch and support him. The first game we didn't go because we found out we were going to have to pay $5 for Dylan and I to get in and Ryan wasn't going to be able to play the whole game so we didn't pay the money. The next game we were all ready to pay but Dylan and I get there and guess what... Dylan isn't allowed to come in! WHAT!? I was a little less than thrilled that my 4 month old who would be sitting on my lap the whole time wasn't allowed into the building. ANYWAY... Ryan keeps busy. The other day he had an interview to become an ambassador for the business program and he felt really good about how it went, so I guess we'll see.

Although we are figuring everything out with teething and stuff I still love hanging out with my little man all day. In fact, the other day for the first time ever I made homemade bread! It was SO delicious (maybe a little too delish, that's a whole lot of carbs).
My sweet friend Naomi that taught me the art of bread making

Punching the dough was probably the best part :)

Knead that dough!

Also... I have a new calling. You might ask, didn't you just get a new calling?  And the answer would be yes, but I guess I wasn't measuring up. No, I'm just teasing ;) I was in the Primary Presidency just long enough to help with the Primary program and teach a few sharing times, but last weekend they called a new presidency and I was called to be Primary chorister. I am excited about the new calling. I think it will be a lot of fun and I'm glad I still get to be in the primary! :)

We are so grateful for all the friend and people who have made South Carolina feel like home. We have some friends, the Halls, who are always inviting us to spend family time at their Lake House in Camden. We have been there a few different times and that's where we spent conference weekend. **Side note, wasn't conference AMAZING!!! Having the little guy didn't allow me to watch all the talks intently as I would've liked, but I'm grateful I will get to read through them. And how about the new ages for missionaries... 18 (instead of 19 for boys) and 19 (instead of 21 for girls). I am so grateful for modern day revelation. The heavens are not sealed. The Lord speaks to us today. "The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done"** We are so grateful for their kindness and for treating us like family. We always have such a wonderful time with them!
Dylan hanging out with his not so happy buddy
We are SO excited for this week because Ryan's parents and youngest sister, the Bear, are coming to visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are SOOO excited to share our southern life with them and so glad Dylan gets to play with them. He's so much bigger than last time they saw him. We are also going to go to the State Fair which will be SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!! Pictures to come :)


  1. Super handsome AND smiling AFTER shots? Man, you guys seriously hit the baby lottery with this little man :) Good luck with the teething. I hate it too - so sad. And yes, post LOTS of pictures - we must live vicariously through my parents and Sarah.

    1. You are not kidding, he honestly is an awesome baby! Seriously, can you believe that after shot smile. I was so surprise! We will be sure to take and post lots of pictures! Wish you were here too!!! Can't wait to see you.

  2. I'm glad you posted about your blog on FB! I love reading about your cute little family. Have tons of fun with Laur, Dar and Sara!

  3. He is so adorable! Love that face he makes too, it makes me laugh. And yes you are VERY lucky. We are still struggling hardcore over here trying to get more than two hours of sleep at a time :( I'm getting pretty desperate!

  4. Rebecca, you seriously aren't sleeping more than two hours at a time?! Let's talk!!! Have you looked into the book I told you about, the Baby Whisperer? I highly recommend it! Even if you decide not to get the book we should at least talk. You deserve more sleep :)

  5. yay for us making Bread!! We should do rolls next week....although, they are prob worse than bread, calorie wise. (and tempting wise...haha)
    Also...yeah, totally my fault for the whole calling thing, but you will be AWESOME at this calling TOO! (for like...the whole 2 months you'll be here!)
